MAS Hacks

@ AHS Cafeteria

Completed. Thank you for Attending!

Group Photos

MAS Hacks is a free 12 hour hackathon aimed at students from the three high schools in Alhambra Unified School District. No previous coding experience is required!

We want to ensure that all students are able to explore and mature a desire in the field of computer science by providing opportunities for software and career development

2024 Hackathon Results!

Best Overall Project

Fit Forge

Fit Forge, created by Ruize Tian, Cory Tsan, Devin Liang, is an interactive app designed to display information about the muscles in the body. When asked about what inspired the creation of this project, the team pointed at recent increased interest in working out at the gym. There were risks to working out muscles, so the team created an app tailored towards safe workouts. In addition to wanting to bring important knowledge to users, the team also wanted to implement useful side features such as an interval timer and a BMI convertor. With their creativity and teamwork, they were able to create an app that won first place.

Second Best Project

Dungeon Defender

Using GDevelop as a base, Dungeon Defenders is a top-down shooter where players defend themselves by shooting bones at monsters. The goal is to survive the longest, and kill monsters increases your score. The game was created by Francisco Ortega, who took inspiration from a game called Brotatoe, took key parts of the Brotatoe. The finished product was fun to play, earning it a solid second place.

Best Beginner Team

Online Casino Simulation

Online Casino Simulation was made by a group of four students: Aidan Phu, Peter Lin, Felix Zheng, and Jonathan Yu. The simulation featured Blackjack, Slots, and a shop to exchange money won. The player can sell off their property for more currency to gamble. Their inspiration stems from the insurgence of online gambling and its popularity on social media. The team wanted to use their project to spread awareness of gambling addiction and show how easy it is to sacrifice personal property and wealth for enjoyment and pleasure. The team hopes more people realize this fact and distance themselves from gambling to better their lives.


1st Place Prize

  • First Place Trophy
  • Keyboard
  • Headphones
  • Wolfram One Coding Course and Wolfram Alpha ($375 Value)
  • AoPS $25 Coupon
  • Pololu Robot
  • Physical Password Security Keys
  • Total Value: $770; Items may be subject to change

2nd Place Prize

  • 2nd Place Trophy
  • Headphones
  • Wolfram Coding Courses
  • Flash Drive
  • Mouse
  • LED Desk Lamp
  • Total Value: $490; Items may be subject to change

Beginner's Best Prize

  • Beginner's Trophy
  • Wolfram Coding Courses
  • Flash Drive
  • LED Strip Light
  • Portable Charger
  • Total Value: $450; Items may be subject to change

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a hackathon?

A hackathon is an invention marathon where students come together to build something using technology!

How much does it cost?

Nothing! Attending is completely free

Do I need to be at the Hackathon at 8:00 am?

No! We are having our welcoming ceremony at 8:00 am and breakfast will be served during that time. You can come join us anytime you can!

What do I need to bring?

Make sure to bring a laptop and a charger

Will there be food?

Yes! We will be providing free food to all participants

Breakfast will be served from 8:00 am - 9:30 am Lunch will be served from 11:00 am - 12:30 am Dinner will be served from 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm

Will I get anything?

Yes! Scroll down a bit and you'll see the full list of awards. There will be freebies and giveaways!

What if I don't know how to code?

Don't worry! Anyone can attend even if they don't know anything. MAS Hacks is meant for you to gain experience and have fun working with others. Joining our workshops can give you some experience beforehand!

Is there a theme?

A theme will be announced at the opening ceremony

Is this an individual event?

Nope! Bring your friends! You can have up to 4 people in a group. If you don't have a group and want to be in one, we'll help you find one

What platforms do I have to use to code my idea?

You can use any platform you want! Anything from to GameMaker Studio will be accepted as long as the judges can view your project.

What if my question isn't listed on here?

You can email us at

Hackathon Schedule



08:30 AM

Serving Denny's Breakfast

09:00 AM

Opening Ceremony

10:00 AM

Raffle Drawing

11:00 AM

Rubik's Cube Crash Course

12:30 PM

Serving Lunch: Costco Pizza

01:30 PM

Raffle Drawing &

02:30 PM

Uno Tournament

04:00 PM

Raffle Drawing & Kahoot

05:15 PM

UC Berkeley Speaker - Annie

06:00 PM

Serving Dinner: Panda Express

07:00 PM

Deadline for Project Submission & Judging Begins

07:40 PM

Closing Ceremony

We are proud to be sponsored by


Derek Wang

Director & General Manager

Andrew Huang


Brendon Wu


Stephanie Yan

QA and Sponsorship

Abellaine Murti


Cody Duan


Melody Wong


Richard Chi


Isabella Li

Art Department

Yaohua Zhang

Art Department

Let us know if you'll be attending!

Register Discord Rules Judging Rubric